a diversity of design #03バラバラなデザイン展 #03

#Graphic #WindowGraphic #ExhibitionGraphics
#ICSAA #Exhibition #2022 #Yellow


Exhibition Graphics


3D Study Visualization

Catalogue Design

Caption Design

ICSAA バラバラなデザイン展 #03:Exhibition Graphic

Exhibition Graphics

ICSカレッジオブアーツの卒業生で作られる団体ICSAAが主催する「バラバラなデザイン展 / a diversity of design #03」の展示会ビジュアルを担当しました。

Graphic design for the exhibition “Barabarana design exhibition / a diversity of design #03″.
This exhibition is organised by ICSAA, a group of graduates of the ICS College of the Arts.

One common object, like a ribbon, spreads throughout the entire venue.

ClientICSAA / ICS COLLEGE OF ARTSServicesExhibition GraphicsYearFeb 2022LinkICSAA

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